A Maurais, T Alsup, B Peherstorfer and Y M Marzouk, Multi-Fidelity Covariance Estimation in the Log-Euclidean Geometry,in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, ed., 2023.
M Brennan, R Baptista and Y M Marzouk, Dimension reduction via score ratio matching,in NeurIPS 2022 Workshop on Score-Based Methods, ed., 2022.
A Tewari, B Wheelock, J Clark, D Foster, M Li and Y Marzouk, Subsurface uncertainty quantification with deep geologic priors: A variational Bayesian framework,in Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, ed., 2022.
B Zhang, T Sahai and Y M Marzouk, Sampling via controlled stochastic dynamical systems,in NeurIPS 2021 workshop: I (Still) Can’t Believe It’s Not Better!, ed., 2021.
A Scarinci, Y Marzouk, C Gu, M Fehler, U bin Waheed, S Kaka and B Dia, Transport Lagrangian misfit measures and velocity model uncertainty in Bayesian moment tensor inversion,in First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy Expanded Abstracts, ed., 2021.
M Le Provost, R Baptista, Y M Marzouk and J Eldredge, A low-rank nonlinear ensemble filter for vortex models of aerodynamic flows,in AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, ed., 2021.
J Eldredge, M Le Provost, R Baptista and Y M Marzouk, Applications of ensemble Kalman filtered vortex modeling to gust–wing interactions,in AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, ed., 2021.
M Izzatullah, R Baptista, L Mackey, Y Marzouk and D Peter, Bayesian seismic inversion: measuring Langevin MCMC sample quality with kernels,in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, ed., 2020.
F Menhorn, G Geraci, D Seidl,, MS Eldred, R King, H.-J. Bungartz and Youssef Marzouk, Higher moment multilevel estimators for optimization under uncertainty applied to wind plant design,in AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, ed., 2020.
G Geraci, F Menhorn, X Huan, C Safta, Y Marzouk, H Najm and M Eldred, Progress in scramjet design optimization under uncertainty using simulations of the HIFiRE Direct Connect Rig,in AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, ed., 2019.
B. J. Zhang, B.-Y. Min, T. Sahai and Y. M. Marzouk, Rare event simulation of rotorcraft systems,2018 AIAA SciTech Forum and 20th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, 2018.
A. Gorodetsky, S. Karaman and Y. M. Marzouk, Low-rank tensor integration for Gaussian filtering of continuous time nonlinear systems,56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017.
P.-Y. Gousenbourger, E. M. Massart, A. Musolas, P.-A. Absil, J. M. Hendrickx, L. Jacques and Y. M. Marzouk, Piecewise-Bézier C^1 smoothing on manifolds with application to wind field estimation,25th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence, and Machine Learning (ESANN 2017), 2017.
R. Baptista, Y. M. Marzouk, K. Willcox and B. Peherstorfer, Optimal approximations of coupling in multi-disciplinary models, 2017 AIAA SciTech Forum and 19th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, 2017.
D. Bigoni, A. Spantini and Y. M. Marzouk, Adaptive construction of measure transports for Bayesian inference, ed., NIPS 2016 workshop on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, 2016.
A. Spantini, D. Bigoni and Y. M. Marzouk, Variational inference via decomposable transports: new algorithms for Bayesian filtering and smoothing, ed., NIPS 2016 workshop on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference, 2016.
J. Alora, A. Gorodetsky, S. Karaman, Y. M. Marzouk and N. Lowry, Automated synthesis of low-rank control systems from sc-LTL specifications using tensor-train decompositions,55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.
A. Marques, Q. Wang and Y. M. Marzouk, Data-driven probabilistic boundary layer modeling for airfoil performance prediction,34th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016.
A. Gorodetsky, S. Karaman and Y. M. Marzouk, Efficient high-dimensional stochastic optimal motion control using tensor-train decomposition,Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) XI. Rome, Italy., 2015.
M. E. Gharamti, Y. M. Marzouk, X. Huan and I. Hoteit, A greedy approach for placement of subsurface aquifer wells in an ensemble filtering framework,Dynamic Data-Driven Environmental Systems Science (DyDESS), Cambridge, MA., 2015.
F. Augustin and Y. M. Marzouk, Uncertainty quantification in high-performance computing,First SIGPLAN Workshop on Probabilistic and Approximate Computing (Collocated with PLDI 2014). Edinburgh, UK., 2014.
N. Lowry, R. Mangoubi, M. Desai, Y. M. Marzouk and P. Sammak, Texton-based segmentation and classification of human embryonic stem cell colonies using multi-stage Bayesian level sets, 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). Barcelona, Spain., 2012.
T. Coles, H. Najm and Y. M. Marzouk, CSP simplification of chemical kinetic systems under uncertainty,International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flow/13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Corfu, Greece, 2011.
N. Lowry, R. Mangoubi, M. Desai, Y. M. Marzouk and P. Sammak, A unified approach to expectation maximization and level set segmentation applied to stem cell and brain MRI images,IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. Chicago, IL, 2011.
X. Huan and Y. M. Marzouk, Optimal Bayesian experimental design for combustion kinetics.,49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2011.
B. Debusschere, B. Rhoads, H. Najm, Y. M. Marzouk, D. Goussis, M. Valorani and M. Frenklach, Time integration of chemical kinetics with computational singular perturbation and tabulation,Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Fall Meeting, Irvine, CA, 2009.
Y. M. Marzouk, B. Debusschere, H. Najm, D. Goussis, M. Valorani and M. Frenklach, Time integration of reacting flows with CSP tabulation,Second International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows, Notre Dame, IN, 2009.
Najm, H.N., Safta, C., Marzouk, Y.M., Ray, J., Valorani, M. and Goussis, D., High-order AMR computations of reacting flow with adaptive reduction of chemical stiffness,SciDAC 2008, Seattle, WA., 2008.
Ray, J. and Marzouk, Y.M., A Bayesian method for inferring transmission chains in a partially observed epidemic,Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings; Denver, CO., 2008.
Ray, J., Marzouk, Y.M., Najm, H.N., Kraus, M. and Fast, P., Estimating bioterror attacks from patient data: a Bayesian approach,in Proceedings of the American Statistical Association., RAND/ASA Conference on Quantitative Methods & Statistical Applications in Defense and National Security., Santa Monica, CA, USA, 2006.
Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Actuating transverse jets via nozzle-edge vortical perturbations,AIAA paper 2006-1492, 2006.
Marzouk, Y.M., Najm, H.N. and Rahn, L.A., Stochastic spectral methods for efficient Bayesian solution of inverse problems,Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2005.
Speth, R.L., Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., A quasi-one-dimensional unsteady laminar flame formulation with independent strain rate and curvature,Third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2005.
Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Simulations of high Reynolds number transverse jets and analysis of the underlying vortical structures,AIAA paper 2005-0308, 2005.
Wee, D.H., Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Lagrangian simulation of a jet in crossflow at finite Reynolds number,AIAA paper 2005-0291, 2005.
Speth, R.L., Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Impact of hydrogen addition on flame response to stretch and curvature,AIAA paper 2005-0143, 2005.
Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Vorticity formulation for an actuated jet in crossflow,AIAA paper 2004-0096, 2004.
Marzouk, Y.M. and Ghoniem, A.F., Vorticity generation mechanisms and correct boundary conditions for transverse jet simulation,Proceedings of the Second MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2003.
Marzouk, Y.M., Ghoniem, A.F. and Najm, H.N., Mechanism of streamwise vorticity formation in a transverse jet,AIAA paper 2002-1063, 2002.
Marzouk, Y.M., Ghoniem, A.F. and Najm, H.N., Can a one-dimensional strained flame model flame-vortex interactions?,Proceedings of the Second Mediterranean Combustion Symposium: 372–383, 2002.
Marzouk, Y.M., Ghoniem, A.F. and Najm, H.N., A flame embedding model for turbulent combustion simulation,AIAA paper 2000-0866, 2000.
February 2024
Congratulations to Fengyi Li for a successful thesis defense!
Congratulations to Fengyi Li for a successful thesis defense!
January 2024
The UQGroup welcomes new Postdocs Ayoub Belhadji, Timo Schorlepp, and Mirjeta Pasha!
The UQGroup welcomes new Postdocs Ayoub Belhadji, Timo Schorlepp, and Mirjeta Pasha!
September 2023
The UQ Group welcomes new graduate students Oliver Wang and Julie Zhu!
The UQ Group welcomes new graduate students Oliver Wang and Julie Zhu!
July 2023
Welcome to our new postdoc Mathieu Le Provost!
Welcome to our new postdoc Mathieu Le Provost!
May 2023
Congratulations to Michael Brennan for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
Congratulations to Michael Brennan for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
September 2022
Welcome to Hannah Lu, joining the group on the heels of finishing her Ph.D. at Stanford!
Welcome to Hannah Lu, joining the group on the heels of finishing her Ph.D. at Stanford!
May 2022
Congratulations to Ricardo Baptista for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
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Congratulations to Ricardo Baptista for successfully defending his PhD thesis!